Goagent experience

I am in Shanghai a couple days and it is quite inconvenient with many websites blocked. I heard about “breaking” the wall but I didn’t realize it is quite fast and easy. All one needs is a software called goagent. It takes advantage of the google app engine. Here, I will assume that ones already…

M/M/1 Simulation with Matlab

A simple simulation of M/M/1 queue with Matlab. The distribution of the number of “packets” in the system is computed and compared with the theoretical result. delta=0.1; % simulation step in sec lambda=0.1; % arrival rate in packets per second mu=0.2; % departure rate in packets per second rho=lambda/mu; M=50*3600/delta; % number of simulation step…

Simulating Poisson process in Matlab

Below is a simple Matlab code to simulate a Poisson process. The interarrival times were computed and recorded in int_times. The times are then grouped into bins of 10 seconds in width and the counts are stored in count. lambda=1/60; % arrival rate per second (1 minute per packet) T=10*3600; % simulation time in second…