The success of nonviolent civil resistance: Erica Chenoweth at TEDxBoulder

Caption from this TEDxBoulder talk I’d like you to imagine that you live in a really repressive country. There are elections, but they’re fake. The leader wins 100% of the vote each time. Security forces beat up opposition leaders with impunity, and they harass everyone else. This is a country where being in this room…


This article points out that one country two systems in Hong Kong is finally dead. I copied down below the entire document with google translated version along with it. 中共剛剛結束的十九屆四中全會發表的公布,以及隨後全國人大常委會法工委主任、港澳基本法委員會主任沈春耀對公布的解讀,明確無誤地表明中共從今開始將逐步對鄧小平始創的「一國兩制」進行全面的改造。 The announcement of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee that just ended, and the subsequent interpretation of the announcement by Shen…