It is a dream about fleeing from HK…
I don’t remember how I get there now. But I was asked to attend some event in HK. And not showing up in the entire event was considered to be not loyal enough. My friends predicted that would correspond to a year of jail time.
My friend tried to convince me to flee. But I am wavering because I thought that maybe I should just serve one year time there. Otherwise, I cannot go back. We built a helicopter and can put us and the luggage inside. It is a small helicopter a size of a big bag; I don’t feel weird though we can be packed inside there. But even then, it was too crowded already, and I can’t get into that. So I choose to walk to the “destination” instead. It is not clear what the destination is. But if I get there, it seems that I can be free.
Meanwhile, I passed some buildings that I may stay to serve my terms. I passed a library. The library looks very nice to me. And before I got into the building, a guide told me that what is the plan today. It said 10:30 to 12:00 is some activity. It is already 10:30. It suddenly came to me that I should have left and joined the other friends before that. I think it was too late. Maybe I should just stay behind and serve my time.
I continue to walk to the lower level of the library. That becomes a Chinese restaurant. I saw one of my friends. (Was he Samson?) And I tried to avoid him. I know that he will convince me to flee if he sees me. But then I heard someone called me. I walked to them, and they said I should leave after all. You don’t know what happened for the next year. You can still just pass that door and make it. Passing the door and some restrooms and it gets to another part of the restaurant. I see my “big” aunt. I told her that I have to leave after all. And I want to catch my mom to tell her that. I see dad on the way, and I tried to avoid him also. Since I know he is going to force me to stay.
When I continue to walk, it becomes some old shopping mall like those in North Point. I met Anthony, and I don’t remember if we talk about anything. And I think it is about when I woke up.