16×9 Beamer setting

To use 16×9 aspect ratio for Beamer, we can simply change \documentclass{beamer} to \documentclass[aspectratio=169]{beamer} However, Bakoma won’t display correctly afterward. Go to Option -> Document Properties -> Paper. Just change paper width and paper height to 454bp and 255bp should make things work.

Skew-symmetric matrix representation of cross product

We can define Note that we have and Triple product expansion We will show the above with the triple product expansion: Proof: (1)   Similarly for the and components. Proof of Note that for any     thus Proof of For any (2)   Thus,

Rodrigues’ rotation formula

The rotation matrix for rotating an object along normal direction with angle is given by where such that We can easily validate that the equation is correct, note that as desired. And for any vector perpendicular to as desired as well. Compute and from  Note that  Thus, . Moreover, since , we can compute as…