langchain pinecone update

My RAG example no longer works after pinecone update. Apparently, I can’t rely on LLM on this. Both gpt4o and claude gave misleading solution. Claude did solve some but can’t fix all. Basically, pinecone expect to generate as class like rather than using init like My problem is that I can’t pass the key to…

gls and lualatex

gls gives me very weird bug when running with lualatex. I don’t have such a problem with pdflatex. It turns out that I simply can’t include \gls inside \section But the error is extremely weird. It is complaining that an upper case glossary entry missing. I defined \newglossaryentry{fg}{ name={factor graph}, description ={} } But it…

WordPress permission problem

Have a silly wordpress permission error wasted me half an hour to fix. It turns out that I’m missing below as WordPress folder is under user folder. sudo chmod 755 /home/ubuntu sudo chmod 755 /home/ubuntu/swebsite