Rodrigues’ rotation formula

The rotation matrix for rotating an object along normal direction with angle is given by where such that We can easily validate that the equation is correct, note that as desired. And for any vector perpendicular to as desired as well. Compute and from  Note that  Thus, . Moreover, since , we can compute as…


仙巴歷險記 双语 粤语 日语 (似乎link唔work) 【小肥肥一族】(TVB)粤语全52集 【720P】飘零燕【粤语】 猫猫日记  【336P/TVB粤语无字幕】妈妈是小学四年生/超时空保 湯姆歷險記【粤语】 – 哔哩哔哩 【宫崎骏/粤语版】高立的未来世界 我們這一家【粤语版】 第一季 钢琴之森·粤语版 长腿叔叔 全集 冰果

Update to PHP 7.4

WordPress recommends upgrading to PHP 7.4. The installation is quite easy (basically just apt install). However, pages and posts are gone after I switch from 7.2 to 7.4 for my lab website. Yet, there is no problem upgrading my blog site. After several hours, I gave up. No idea why it has such weird behavior….

Running CUDA samples with apt install

Days are gone when installing CUDA driver was a hazzle. We can now simply install it with apt install. And for cuda toolkit, one can simply install by apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit However, apt install does not install samples. We can install from run file explicitly. wget sudo sh # do not install driver…

Battery replacement for iPhone SE

I almost killed my phone again today. I didn’t realize that there are not just long, short screws in the phone. There are screws of different sizes: 0.12, 0.13, 0.16, and 0.17 mm just to replace the battery. I forgot how I killed my two iPhone 5S. But definitely, I didn’t know that there are…


The scene before and after I have already forgotten. I brought some people into my house. Somehow including Brad. This is the first time he appeared in my dream. The walls are full of bookcases, rather than like a home. It is more like an exhibition corner in a library. I almost led them to…

Multiple desktop with Ipad mini

As I continue to explore options for using Zoom for teaching, one thing I like a lot is that I can connect my laptop to a monitor and only show one of the screens on Zoom. This way I can easily control what my students can see and I can leave some “cheat sheet” or…

Fixing burst pipe

The pipe behind the water heater broke during some very cold days. I don’t know how long the water was flooding out before I realize that stream was running out of the storage room. It took several weeks to fix it. I first considered looking for a plumber. But everyone seems to be so busy….