IEEE always requires authors to embed all fonts for the final pdf submission. After some googling, the commands that works for me under Ubuntu are dvips -Pdownload35 -t letter -G0 -o paper.dvi ps2pdf -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dCompatibilityLevel=1.2 -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true paper.pdf If you have eps figures that are generated from matlab, most likely some fonts in…
Category: About computer
Transferring Ubuntu to New Harddrive
My old harddrive had 60 G for my Ubuntu partition and the free space left was less than 2 G (and it is going fast). I figured it was time for me to find a bigger home for my Linux partition. I followed the Backup and Restore post but it missed out a couple simple…
OU linux vpn setup
OU recently acquired matlab for all students and faculty. However, to use at one, one needs to setup vpn. The defacto cisco vpn provided on the OU website is really dated. It doesn’t work with ubuntu unless one does some patches. I gave up after a few tries but instead I found one post mentioned…
Installing leJOS NXJ for Lego Mindstorm
I was trying to install leJOS to my Lego minstorm brick. I used ubuntu and got into trouble when I tried to flash the lego brick. I realized that the problem is that I didn’t have write permission to usb device. If I used sudo, I didn’t know how to export the environment variable NXJ_HOME….
Video stuff in Ubuntu
Switching to Linux means relearning of many old skills. I finally got DVD Decrypter working again. I first tried installing it in a guest XP under virtualbox but it doesn’t work very well. It does do ripping but the output is all messed up somehow. On the other hand, installing using wine goes quite well…
DNS problem of virtualbox
I wasted a couple hours today trying to figure out why my guest winxp has no connection. It is the third ubuntu machines that I have installed a virtualbox with a guest winxp. I am very satisfied with virtualbox. It is very fast and I can do almost anything I need for a window machine….
DVD authoring
A friend asked me how to burn his grand daughter’s video to a dvd disk. I have done something like that using windows couple years ago. As I moved to Ubuntu recently, I was annoyed to found it quite complicated. I tried a couple of ways. Eventually my solution is the following: One major difficulty…
chkdsk is evil
As title. I erased everything in my drive with chkdsk /r. After frequent trouble with Cygwin, I finally decided to give Ubuntu a try. My drive had 3 logical partitions. I have one with WinXp 64, one with WinXp and the last one without any OS. I tried to install ubuntu in the third partition….