The DW interview The government would like the protesters to be violent. The students did some damages and some violent acts but there are plenty evidence showing police dressed up like protesters and created many more damages. And there are way more cases of pro-Beijing thugs beating up pro-democratic protesters than the other way round…
Category: Uncategorized
Noam Chomsky – Tactics, Boycott, and Non-violence
… just forget about principle for a moment, just think about tactics. You want to pick tactics that are likely to achieve something. Otherwise it is just posturing. Well, if you look for tactics that might achieve something. You don’t accept the battleground that your opponent prefers. Now the state power prefers violence. Do they…
The success of nonviolent civil resistance: Erica Chenoweth at TEDxBoulder
Caption from this TEDxBoulder talk I’d like you to imagine that you live in a really repressive country. There are elections, but they’re fake. The leader wins 100% of the vote each time. Security forces beat up opposition leaders with impunity, and they harass everyone else. This is a country where being in this room…
This article points out that one country two systems in Hong Kong is finally dead. I copied down below the entire document with google translated version along with it. 中共剛剛結束的十九屆四中全會發表的公布,以及隨後全國人大常委會法工委主任、港澳基本法委員會主任沈春耀對公布的解讀,明確無誤地表明中共從今開始將逐步對鄧小平始創的「一國兩制」進行全面的改造。 The announcement of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee that just ended, and the subsequent interpretation of the announcement by Shen…
Impeding rescue is equivalent to deliberate murder
This is an online article from here. Written by a medic who came to rescue the HKUST student who “fell” from 3rd to 2nd floor “dodging” a tear gas canister from police. But according to a medical doctor, it is more likely that the student got hit by a bean bag round and fell. I…
Will police brutality ends in Hong Kong?
It is November 2nd today in the US. And just half a day ago, there was another serious conflicts between civilians and police in Hong Kong. 128 pro-democratic candidates gathered in Victoria Park and had “separate” organized meetings with voters. This is an attempt to get around police’s earlier objection of rally at Victoria Park….
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E-commerce platform review
Recover data from my Macbook drive
My Macbook Pro died somehow just after 3 years. Not sure what happen. I don’t think it is hardware issue but it just unwilling to boot up anymore. I am used to Linux and I thought it would be easy to just put it in a disk case and extract the data readily. Sadly, I…
My Docker cheat sheet
Basic ## List Docker CLI commands docker docker container –help ## Display Docker version and info docker –version docker version docker info ## Execute Docker image docker run hello-world ## List Docker images docker image ls ## List Docker containers (running, all, all in quiet mode) docker container ls docker container ls –all docker container…