Find a site called Resurchify that ranks journal papers. Another site we already used quite a bit is letpub.
Texttospeech with Windows 10
I should have tried to figure this out for long. It took a while but here is a nice solution. Basically just use onenote. And to record, I can use audacity and record from pulse. And can use pulse audio control (pavucontrol) to select only system sound.
x11vnc on jetson
Simply put. It doesn’t work. But vnc can be set up with the description here. And it is the same as x11vnc (controlling the desktop rather than another vnc).
Barrier host on 18.04
Spent several hours before realized that Barrier doesn’t not work on 18.04 as host. Should have checked “show log” earlier and that would allow me to figure out earlier. Online it said 18.04 will work for barrier-maxiberta. But snap install can’t find barrier-maxiberta. If I snap install barrier, it results in an authentication error.
Control desktop remotely for ubuntu
Try to look for a free alternative for teamviewer. ssh -X will work but like to control the current desktop directly. It turns out can be done easily with x11vnc. In the host (after connecting say with ssh), start x11vnc with x11vnc -display :0 For the client, simply run vncviewer.
ssh open display for 20.04 host
ssh -X doesn’t work out of the box for my 20.04 host. It was solved after adding X11Forwarding yes and X11UseLocalhost no to /etc/ssh/sshd_config at the host. btw, one great way to debug the problem is to turn on the verbose flag. i.e., ssh -vX hostname
coordinate transformation
I got confused over time of coordinate transformation for a point in space v.s. transformation of a point location with fixed coordinates. It turns out that the former is the exact reverse of the latter. I don’t include a proof here, but it should be self-evident. Also it is much easier to understand coordinate transformation…
YOLOV5 with Realsense on Jetson
As titled. Tried to follow the guide from here. Have some problems running realsense camera. The guide from jetsonhack is okay. But cannot find pyrealsense2 in python. Adding pythonpath solved the import problem but the imported package contained no method. Copying all so files (pybackend2.cpyton-*) to the working folder seems to resolve the problem. The…
YOLOV5 on Jetson AGX Xavier
Officially YOLOV5 only works on Python 3.8 and above. But Jetson only came with 3.6.9. But following this tutorial seems to work fine (as of April 2022).
jetson agx xavier hack
Some of my experiences I got playing with Jetson Xavier. I got lots of trouble to start with trying to flash Jetson. It ended up that I simply needed to remove the tlp package at the host. The log from sdkmanager is simply not very helpful. Otherwise, it should have saved me lots of time…