
I checked in a “hotel”? Again, I have rooms on several floors. I moved around and “forgot” to check out the other room as in some other cases. (Maybe related to my current situation with too many “offices”?)  I tried to check out and came across Gordon. He is in a hurry and we entered…

Ancenstral sampling

Didn’t know the name ancestral sampling before. It is just sampling p(x,y,z) as p(x) p(y|x) p(z|x,y). Or basically, it is just a special case of Gibbs sampling.


It seems to be the last day of school. Or it is a farewell not going to meet again. I can’t remember anything before that. But at the last moment, I was both outdoor and in a classroom (it often happens in my dream with contradictory scenes).  I think I am talking to YS. Saying…

Robust PCA

Came across of this video explaining robust PCA. It came with a book and it looks okay. As PCA can be considered as decomposition of data matrix with the highest singular value. So what PCA is doing is simply low-rank matrix approximation of the data matrix. So robust PCA is a simple idea that tries…

Travel dream

Can’t recall where the last scene was. But I was traveling and shared a room with Kevin. He didn’t look happy as usual. I tried to break the silence with some small talk but didn’t manage to break the silence. There are two washers in the room. I have my clothes washed and just stacked…

Marching cube

A great explanation of the Marching Cube algorithm is here. The algorithm’s goal is to draw meshes of an implicit surface function $latex f(x,y,z) = threshold$. Based on the 8 corner points for each tiny cube is above or below the threshold, the mesh triangles for the cube can be easily determined. The algorithm then…

Gold mistake

Spent almost 5% of a retirement fund to buy gold mutual funds and already saw a 10% drop. Not sure if it is a mistake in the long run. But the timing is definitely not great. This was mostly aimed as a hedge of the non-stop money printing worldwide governments. I consider this a “short-term”…

Twitter loss

It was a mistake that I didn’t act immediately. I have not many but a sizeable amount of Twitter stock. I had a reasonable impression that the stock will pull back significantly after it banned Trump’s account permanently. I set a limit order hoping for a rebound. I set a price of $55, which is…

Recycling dream

I forgot most scenes now. I should have dropped this down when I just woke up. I remember walking with a group. It is a very weird setting. I am standing on an “open” building. There are no windows. It is like a parking garage. The other side is another building. Folks there are fixing…