As I continue to explore options for using Zoom for teaching, one thing I like a lot is that I can connect my laptop to a monitor and only show one of the screens on Zoom. This way I can easily control what my students can see and I can leave some “cheat sheet” or…
Fixing burst pipe
The pipe behind the water heater broke during some very cold days. I don’t know how long the water was flooding out before I realize that stream was running out of the storage room. It took several weeks to fix it. I first considered looking for a plumber. But everyone seems to be so busy….
Experience on Mynt Eye
Tested Mynt Eye on my Thinkpad because it seems that it only supported up to 18.04. The sample example can run off the box as described here. However, it seems to need quite some work to get it run with OpenCV. Moreover, the depth estimation is not accurate at all. Not sure if further calibration…
I checked in a “hotel”? Again, I have rooms on several floors. I moved around and “forgot” to check out the other room as in some other cases. (Maybe related to my current situation with too many “offices”?) I tried to check out and came across Gordon. He is in a hurry and we entered…
Ancenstral sampling
Didn’t know the name ancestral sampling before. It is just sampling p(x,y,z) as p(x) p(y|x) p(z|x,y). Or basically, it is just a special case of Gibbs sampling.
It seems to be the last day of school. Or it is a farewell not going to meet again. I can’t remember anything before that. But at the last moment, I was both outdoor and in a classroom (it often happens in my dream with contradictory scenes). I think I am talking to YS. Saying…
Robust PCA
Came across of this video explaining robust PCA. It came with a book and it looks okay. As PCA can be considered as decomposition of data matrix with the highest singular value. So what PCA is doing is simply low-rank matrix approximation of the data matrix. So robust PCA is a simple idea that tries…
Travel dream
Can’t recall where the last scene was. But I was traveling and shared a room with Kevin. He didn’t look happy as usual. I tried to break the silence with some small talk but didn’t manage to break the silence. There are two washers in the room. I have my clothes washed and just stacked…
Marching cube
A great explanation of the Marching Cube algorithm is here. The algorithm’s goal is to draw meshes of an implicit surface function $latex f(x,y,z) = threshold$. Based on the 8 corner points for each tiny cube is above or below the threshold, the mesh triangles for the cube can be easily determined. The algorithm then…
Gold mistake
Spent almost 5% of a retirement fund to buy gold mutual funds and already saw a 10% drop. Not sure if it is a mistake in the long run. But the timing is definitely not great. This was mostly aimed as a hedge of the non-stop money printing worldwide governments. I consider this a “short-term”…