A great explanation of the Marching Cube algorithm is here. The algorithm’s goal is to draw meshes of an implicit surface function $latex f(x,y,z) = threshold$. Based on the 8 corner points for each tiny cube is above or below the threshold, the mesh triangles for the cube can be easily determined. The algorithm then…
Gold mistake
Spent almost 5% of a retirement fund to buy gold mutual funds and already saw a 10% drop. Not sure if it is a mistake in the long run. But the timing is definitely not great. This was mostly aimed as a hedge of the non-stop money printing worldwide governments. I consider this a “short-term”…
Protected: Pose estimation work review
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Twitter loss
It was a mistake that I didn’t act immediately. I have not many but a sizeable amount of Twitter stock. I had a reasonable impression that the stock will pull back significantly after it banned Trump’s account permanently. I set a limit order hoping for a rebound. I set a price of $55, which is…
Recycling dream
I forgot most scenes now. I should have dropped this down when I just woke up. I remember walking with a group. It is a very weird setting. I am standing on an “open” building. There are no windows. It is like a parking garage. The other side is another building. Folks there are fixing…
Try to play with dm_control and request a trial license for mujoco. Since the trial license is for local machine, I have to set colab to run locally. Things mostly work okay. I still have some problems here and there (like ffmpeg can’t generate video). I have to install pyopengl and add the following to…
Laptop overheating
My Gigabyte laptop overheated and hanged a couple of times. I decided to look for solutions. First, it is a good idea to install psensor to monitor the temperatures of the cores. The current core temperature is almost 70 degrees C. I like it hot, and my room temperature is almost 30 C. But probably…
Machine teaching and inverse reinforcement learning
The two concepts machine teaching and inverse RL are closely related. But one is not a special case of another. For machine teaching, the goal is to decide the optimum data set for an algorithm to learn. In other words, given a constraint of teaching cost (that can be proportional to the size of training…
It is a dream about fleeing from HK… I don’t remember how I get there now. But I was asked to attend some event in HK. And not showing up in the entire event was considered to be not loyal enough. My friends predicted that would correspond to a year of jail time. My friend…
Domain randomization
Machine learning system fails when the training data distribution is significantly different from testing data. For a “simple” problem like image classification, we can avoid this problem by including sufficient diversity for the training data. But for more complicated real-world problems, such as robotic AI, there are simply too many different possibilities that one cannot…