LeCun has a new course on deep learning this spring. I found two things he mentioned that worth jotting down. First, natural data lives in low-dimensional manifold. Probably I should have came across that before but it didn’t register earlier. Come to think of it. This is a very important fact. Second, as it is…
Framing and prospect theory
Asian disease problem illustrated that framing can alter one’s decision based on if we are emphasizing gain or loss. Prospect theory is just a fancy name to conjecture what happens when the utility function is indeed what economists believe.
One pager for proposal
A good slide from a workshop.
Free energy
When we model probability of a variable by , is often referred to as the free energy. The name is coming from historical reason. The Gibbs-Boltzmann distribution for a configuration is proportional to . And the closest reason I found is from here and is the Helmholtz free energy. Unfortunately, I doubt the above explanation…
Convex conjugate
I wasn’t aware that convex conjugate is just Legendre transformation. That is, $latex f^{*}(p)=\sup _{\tilde {x}}\{\langle p,{\tilde {x}}\rangle -f({\tilde {x}})\}\geq \langle p,x\rangle -f(x)$ Note that it is also known as the Legendre-Fenchel transformation. Btw, we have the Fenchel inequality $latex \langle p,x\rangle \le f(x)+f^*(p)$ directly from the definition since $latex f^{*}(p)=\sup _{\tilde {x}}\{\langle p,{\tilde…
Self-supervised learning
A very good lecture by Ishan Misra summarized many self-supervised learning methods. Idea of self-supervised learning is very simple. We are trying to design some pretext tasks where the labels can be obtained for free. And instead of training a model with real task (down stream task), we will pretrain the model with these pretext…
Visualizing CNN
Let’s summarize a couple techniques for visualization. Here all networks are trained to do classification. The simplest one is to randomly black out part of the image and evalute the classification result. For example, the dog score should drop when we black out the dog face. This approach is readily applicable to any classifier regardless…
Why you ought to Get Involved In Crypto Trading
One of the more well-liked forms of forex market on the Net right now is Cryptocurrency Trading or buying Cryptocurrencies. There are several different currencies being bought and sold on this program and they include: Litecoin, Dogecoin, Peercoin, credit, Megadroid, and lots of others. In case you are new to purchasing Cryptocurrencies then it is…
建议习近平主席辞去党政军⼀切职务 致政协主席汪洋的公开信
人大退休教授冷杰甫公开信 尊敬的汪洋主席,您好:2012年前后,我感到我们共产党⾯临的形势不太 好,反复思考之后,2012年9⽉给胡习⼆位主席写了⼀封公开建议信,表达我的 忧虑。在那封很⻓的信中,我建议党中央携⼿“中华⺠国”以“联邦制”为框架, 创建“中华联邦合众国”,以取代“中华⼈⺠共和国”和“中华⺠国”,从⽽统⼀国 家。这个“中华联邦合众国”就是⽑公追求的“联合政府”。⽑公的思想分“独裁”和 “⺠主”两部分,“⺠主”思想应为其主体,所以⽑公提出“联合政府”的主张。我建 议以“联邦制”为框架,创建“中华联邦合众国”,完全符合⽑公的⺠主追求。我 的建议,胡习⼆位主席看好,让我去政协履职,操办此事,非常感谢习主席重 视我的建议。由于当时个别常委不同意,最终将我的建议搁置。这是我在⽹上 看到消息,现在还可看到。当时,如果我的建议常委会⼀致认可,党的18⼤, 会是另⼀个样⼦,习近平当了总统,国家统⼀了,⺠主降临了,⺠众⽣活在⺠主 的阳光下,共产党带着滿⾝的荣誉,退出历史舞台,安全软着陆,八千万党员 都安全了,该多好,就不会出现今天的这个局⾯。 近⼏年,形势有些进⼀步的恶化,台湾问题、少数⺠族问题、香港问题、 “三农问题”(农⺠、农村、农业)等都没有处理好,做成了夹⽣饭摆在那⾥, 没想到⼜出了个武汉瘟疫问题。现在中国⾯临的形势,严重到令⼈难以呼吸的 程度。我想再写公开信,表达⼀点意⻅,就上述问题提点建议。 ⼀,当前的严峻形势,表明习近平主席必须辞职,以退为进,这是应对 危局的上上策。2020年的春节,上天穾然发布“⼤写意”即:⽤新冠肺炎,以武 汉为起点,⾸先扫荡武汉和中国,然后扫荡全世界。上天的这⼀⼿太狠,⼀下 ⼦把中国国家主席在客观上摆在世界的对立⾯了,要中国国家主席对瘟疫的流 ⾏“负责任”。现在整个世界携起⼿来,要问责中国主席,可以理解。已有美、 英、法、德、意、印、埃及、⻄班牙、尼⽇利亚数⼗个国家,以各种⽅式向中 国提出索赔,索赔的数额据媒体⽬前的显⽰是350万亿美元。吓⼈呀!问责的后 果就太严重了,不可预料。那么我们怎么应对呢?我们是和整个世界对着⼲ 吗?我们决不承担任何责任吗?我们死扛、硬顶吗?我不怕你们世界统⼀战 线!?极左媒体⼈摆出⼀副⼆愣⼦的做派,好吗?甚⾄⽤所谓的“爱国主义”和 “忠于共产党的伟⼤誓⾔”,把14亿中国⼈绑驾起来,⼀起向国际反动派进⾏⽃ 争到底,直到把14亿中国⼈拖入核战争?如果中央上层是这么思考问题,那就 说明中央⾼层政治上太幼稚了,对⼈⺠对国家太不负责。这是因为,孤立的中 国,⾯对的是全世界的挑战!我们没有⼀个朋友,只有朝鲜那个包袱。再则, 我们的硬实⼒⽬前还比不过⼈家。如果打核战争,中国占不了上⻛,恐怕是万 劫难复。所以我认为:极左对抗,不是好策略,更不能搞战争。我们的最⾼策 略应是让习近平主席以⾝体不适为由,辞去⼀切职务,暂时避开峰芒,以退为 进,机会到来时再出⼭,当总统。能上能下,是成熟政治家的⻛范。 邓⼩平几上⼏下,照样伟⼤,那是政治上成熟、老辣、稳妥的表现。如果国家主席辞职 了,肯定会减弱国际攻击锋芒,肯定会把对中国的围剿⼒量减少到最⼩程度, 会产⽣微妙效果。新国家主席可直接出⾯接⼿外交应对,⾸先国家的尊严会受 到尊重,⾯⼦不会丢,可直接出⾯搞弹性外交,有回旋空间,能灵活多变,还 可得到全国⺠众的理解、同情和⽀持。习近平同志到中央⼯作时间虽不⻓,但 作了⼤量的有益⼯作,应充分肯定,存在⼀些问题,那是不可避免的。⼈⽆完 ⼈,⾦⽆⾚⾜。请求⽅⽅⾯⾯,上上下下,以⼤局和⾼度的责任⼼为重,为习 主席创造隐退的体⾯的环境,维护习近平主席的尊严。 建议汪洋主席召开全国政协主席会议,搞⼀次政治协商,提出暂退动议,这 点勇⽓您没有吗?这也是您的职权范围⾥的责任啊!国难当头,临危受命,只 能如此了。未来的⻛险由您承担,这是⼤局,您耐⼼⼀点吧,也许这是个好主 意,感谢您。 ⼆ ,统⼀台湾问题,唯有采⽤联邦制解决,才是上上策。 横在⾯前的事情很清楚,那就是美国打台湾牌。由于美国打台湾牌,这是 共产党70年不能统⼀台湾的根本原因。我们不断呼吁美国不要⽀持台湾,不要 台售,呼吁了半个世纪。美国听吗?不但不听,⽽且⽀持⼒度不断加⼤,不断 地⽤立法的形式加强⽀持。由于美国总统特朗普的强⼒⽀持,统⼀台湾越来越 不可能。坦率的说,美国总统特朗普⽀持⺠主台湾实际上是⽀持中国⼈⺠的⺠…
Central limit theorem and moment generating function
For a random variable $latex X$, we can simply define a moment generating function as $latex MG(t) \triangleq E[e^{t X}]$. Then, $latex MG(t)^{(n)}|_{t=0} = E[X^{n}e^{tX}]|_{t=0}=E[X^n]$ is simply the $latex n$-th moment of $latex X$. Easy to verify that $latex \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$ has moment generating function of $latex e^{\frac{t^2\sigma^2}{2}}$ since $latex E[e^{tX}]=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}\int e^{-\frac{x^2}{2\sigma^2}}e^{tx}dx=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}\int e^{-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}[(x-t\sigma^2)^2-t^2\sigma^4]}dx=e^{\frac{t^2\sigma^2}{2}}$ Central limit theorem…