My Mazda 6 experience

I guess I will write down the experience of my attempt in fixing a Mazda 6. I got it second hand more than a year ago. The engine has been rough since I bought it. I had a dealer to look at it just after I bought it. They mentioned that I should replace catalytic…

PDF-XChange and Docear

PDF-XChange is the best compatible pdf reader for Docear. In Linux, I couldn’t manage to open pdf PDF-XChange even I changed it to default pdf reader. But this thread solves this. Basically “…If you want you can test it for yourself. In Docear, please use “Tools and settings > Miscellaneous > Preferences” to open Docear’s…

Docear export to latex

Docear is a very nice concept that unfortunately is quite broken because of lack of support. Export to Latex supposes to be a killer feature but as of 2018 it really does not run out of the box. A workaround is described here. Basically, a best solution is to use Saxon rather than using the export…

Using PDF-XChange as default pdf viewer

PDF-XChange can be installed and run quite smoothly with wine. However, it is a bit tricky to set it as default application as it is not registered automatically and so won’t be on the list of choices when using mimeopen to set default app. My solution is to change default.list in ~/.local/share/applications (or /usr/share/applications if you want to…

vnc server for 16.04

I have couple laptops. Try to setup vncserver on one those so that I can access it convenient from another one. Followed the guide from digitalocean and here are something I like to jot down Initially I got port 22 connection refused error. That should be due to the default firewall setting (port 22 not…

Recover data from my Macbook drive

My Macbook Pro died somehow just after 3 years. Not sure what happen. I don’t think it is hardware issue but it just unwilling to boot up anymore. I am used to Linux and I thought it would be easy to just put it in a disk case and extract the data readily. Sadly, I…

Lenovo X1 gen 6 deep sleep

I got an X1 Yoga and it works great with Linux. Unfortunately, deep sleep doesn’t work out of the box. However, this article describes a nice fix for that. But for me, step 18 needs to replaced by step 23. If you encountered the same problem as I got, your grub would have been broken…

X1 Yoga trackpoints under 18.04

Got a new X1 Yoga recently. I installed a fresh ubuntu 18.04 and everything is working almost perfect (except suspend does not work every time). But trackpoint is a big headache to me. I am used to trackpoint (a long-time thinkpad fan going through X61 and X230) and the erratic behavior of trackpoint is a…