ChatGPT Creepy Behavior, LLaMA-Berry, Chipotle Robots, Microsoft Buys Nuclear Energy

SUMMARY The video discusses ChatGPT’s unsolicited messaging, Three Mile Island’s nuclear energy restart, and AI advancements across various companies. IDEAS: INSIGHTS: QUOTES: HABITS: FACTS: REFERENCES: ONE-SENTENCE TAKEAWAY The emergence of AI technologies, coupled with regulatory challenges, poses both opportunities and risks for society. RECOMMENDATIONS:

SUMMARY Luke Groman discusses the implications of the dollar-centric monetary system, rising debt, and inflation on global finance and investment strategies. IDEAS: INSIGHTS: QUOTES: HABITS: FACTS: REFERENCES: ONE-SENTENCE TAKEAWAY The dollar-centric monetary system is unsustainable, risking fiscal collapse without significant policy changes and inflation management. RECOMMENDATIONS:

langchain pinecone update

My RAG example no longer works after pinecone update. Apparently, I can’t rely on LLM on this. Both gpt4o and claude gave misleading solution. Claude did solve some but can’t fix all. Basically, pinecone expect to generate as class like rather than using init like My problem is that I can’t pass the key to…

gls and lualatex

gls gives me very weird bug when running with lualatex. I don’t have such a problem with pdflatex. It turns out that I simply can’t include \gls inside \section But the error is extremely weird. It is complaining that an upper case glossary entry missing. I defined \newglossaryentry{fg}{ name={factor graph}, description ={} } But it…

WordPress permission problem

Have a silly wordpress permission error wasted me half an hour to fix. It turns out that I’m missing below as WordPress folder is under user folder. sudo chmod 755 /home/ubuntu sudo chmod 755 /home/ubuntu/swebsite

ipcam setup (YCC365)

It is very confusing to try to setup YCC365 with zoneminder. I still can’t make the camera control work. The most annoying part is try to connect camera to my router. Basically, YCC365 plus will NOT work. One has to use YCC365 and be sure to select connect using “device adding by scanning the code“….


Install latex-ocr with pip install “pix2tex[gui]” It can be run directly using “latexocr”, which should be “installed” under ~/.local/bin But it has problem with QT running out of the box on 22.04. The following fixed it. sudo apt-get install libxcb-cursor0

magnifier in Ubuntu Unity

I like unity desktop but mangifier does not work out of the box. Install ccsm and ccsm-plugin, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-plugins In assessibility, enable magnifier and change hotkey to something else. The default Super-m is overrided by Unity-dash for music search.   Update: Alternatively, we can zoom in and out with Super-Z and shift-Super-Z.

Visualize Delaunay mesh with MeshLab

To visualize a Delaunay mesh using MeshLab, you’d typically be visualizing the 3D Delaunay triangulation (or tetrahedrization) of a set of points. Here’s how you can do that: Input Data: Ensure you have a set of 3D points in a format that MeshLab can read (e.g., .ply, .xyz, .obj, etc.). If your Delaunay mesh is…