I am considering to buy an investment home recently and so am trying to really understand mortgage. As an engineer, I thought it should be very simple. Indeed, it is quite simple but it eventually spent me couple hours figuring it out on my own. It is a simple high school math problem but I…
Tag: matlab
Embed all fonts
IEEE always requires authors to embed all fonts for the final pdf submission. After some googling, the commands that works for me under Ubuntu are dvips -Pdownload35 -t letter -G0 -o paper.ps paper.dvi ps2pdf -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dCompatibilityLevel=1.2 -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true paper.ps paper.pdf If you have eps figures that are generated from matlab, most likely some fonts in…
OU linux vpn setup
OU recently acquired matlab for all students and faculty. However, to use at one, one needs to setup vpn. The defacto cisco vpn provided on the OU website is really dated. It doesn’t work with ubuntu unless one does some patches. I gave up after a few tries but instead I found one post mentioned…